Placing your beloved pets in someone else’s care is never a decision to be taken lightly. It’s important to do your homework to ensure you’ve made the right choice for you and your pet. Please feel free to contact us to request the contact information for our pet sitting references. In the meantime, here’s what our clients have to say:


Happy, relaxed, and feeling very loved!

“We have been blessed to have Jen and Dave look after our elderly cat, Tianna, during our absence, from a few days to several weeks at a time. They truly love animals and give special attention to their individual needs. Jen and Dave are both knowledgeable, compassionate and conscientious when it comes to keeping tabs on our tabby! Tianna always looks well groomed and well fed when we return, and we feel happier leaving her, knowing that she’s safe and sound in her own environment and not confined to a cage in a kennel. We also appreciate being able to ask Jen and Dave do other ‘house sitting’ tasks like bringing in the mail and newspapers. Peace of mind just about sums it up!”

– Jackie and Carl from Springfield, MA

“Jennifer and David are wonderful–both for me and the critters! The peace of mind knowing that Jen and Dave are caring knowledgeably and affectionately for my pets makes it much easier to take off for a few days or even longer. When I arrive home, Quillen and Ranger aren’t lonely or frantic–obviously they received lots of love and attention while in the care of Forest Park Pet Sitters.”

– Ann from Wilbraham, MA

Jen with Lady, Jasmine, and Rusty

Lady, Jasmine, & Rusty
Oh, the joy of happy dogs!

“I have had Jennifer and David tend my three 4-legged children on several occasions, once for 10 days. The ‘kids’ were happy when I got home and no messes were left in the house. They walked the dogs just as I had asked them to; and since three can be a handful, that wasn’t easy. They gave them plenty of time to run around in my fenced yard too! They also brought in mail, fed my fish, and watered plants so my house was ready for me when I came home. I would, and have, recommended them to my friends with pets. My cocker spaniels like them very much!”

– Pegg from Enfield, CT

“Forest Park Pet Sitters are the cat’s meow! We recently utilized their services when traveling abroad, and we couldn’t be more pleased. Jennifer and David are very thorough when it comes to obtaining relevant information about our cat, Gilly. It was a clear demonstration of how much they care about the safety and well-being of this wonderful little extension of our family. Upon our return we had a very nice note from them, a sort of “progress report” if you will, letting us know how things went while we were gone. The peace of mind it gave us to know that she was in such good and capable hands is priceless.”

– Lisa and Doug from Pennington, NJ